Thursday, January 05, 2006

First day on a brand new planet

Official sch started jus now.
wasnt 2 bad. i paid attention! :)
But omg, its so scary. O's.
i shall study n study n study!
i must. :)
my muscles r lyk aching cos of yest.
haha. nvr exercise 4 2 mnths suddenly must run.
1 lesson learned, nvr EVER put 4e9 wif water bombs. :)
we'll jus go utterly crazy. bt it was funnn. damn fun.
wanna do it again.
it ws so funi. cos sum of us were lyk 'i dun wan 2 get wet.' (*cough*nikki*cough*)
bt we ganged up on her n she got drenched.
haha. padan muker.
k, gotta make dis damn short.
got abt 4 hrs of studying ahead of me. :)
mira says malae songs rock.
hmm, im beginning 2 think she might be ryt. :)

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