Sunday, January 22, 2006

Of pinky promises and tiny capsules

Jus came back frm madrasah.
same old same old.
lil better cos dere's fiza 2 gossip with nw. :)
Aniwei, dis post is 4 yest.
i woke up at ard 9.45 in e morning.
felt a teensy bit better den e night b4.
decided 2 go 2 TP wif e eighters n niners.
met mira n shrtl at mira's bustop.
got 2 tamp n all dat.
n den had 2 wait n wait n wait.
cos sumbody ws late. :)
TP, here we r...
n i am glad 2 say dat it rocked!
had fun.
damn sure its a toss up between NP and TP nw.
bt gotta go check out NP's open hse 1st. :)
after a tour of e business n desgin schs,
rushed off 2 SP wif jell, loll, zidd n nrl.
rained cats, dogs n even elephants e moment e train pulled up at Dover.
went in2 e auditorium, learned a bit abt sum courses.
n since we all were lyk damn fungry [ fucking + hungry = fungry. get it??]
asked ard 4 a decent place 2 get sum food.
so dis dude said " oh, walked straight, turned left bla bla bla"
so we followed his directions n ended up exactly where we started.
huh??? wtf?
ok. so ask another dude.
"Oh, e canteen's closed cos it's raining."
huh??even more wtf.
since SP has macs, so in a kind act of generosity, decided 2 make e dude's life easier n asked specifically where e macs was.
"oh, it's closed at dis tym."
den we saw dis bus leaving so we thot we'd get on bt 1st, gotta ensure where we're gg had food.
Oh Yes!! dere is! Rock on!
ended up in e business sch.
had ramly burgers which tasted funky n ham n cheese balls which oso tasted funky.
quote jellie ; "is funky a gd ting or a bad ting?" e context i mean.
by e tym we were done stuffing ourselves wif funky food, e open hse ws drawing 2 e close.
so, we took e bus back 2 where we started n decided 2 go hm.
so if ur being technical abt it, yes. we onli went 2 SP 2 eat funky ramly burgers n ham n cheese balls.
so yea. den e train came n it was sooo damn packed.
ppl squeezed in lyk sardines.
since we all had time n didnt wan 2 go home, we cross over 2 e other side, took e train all
e way 2 Boon Lay n sat our assess on e seats n stayed lyk dat all e way back e way we came.
me, jell n loll 4 no apparent reason whatsoever, decided 2 go 2 e esplanade n take gd photos.
purrdy lights n all u noe. :)
n off 2 e esplande e went. bt damn, jus went we were taking photos wif sumone's 2 mega pixel cam, it rained. damn la.
onli managed 2 take 1 pathetic-ated photo which didnt turn out well.
boo la.
aniwaez, went hm straight after.
train ride hm ws damn funi.
ppl was giving e 3 of us weird looks cos we were openly "fornicating".
meaning 2 say going all "touchy-feely"
as in lyk...yeesh. u all get wat e hell i mean kan.
lyk, its jus damn funi n ammusing 2 watch other ppl's reaction at our open comfort ard each other.
lyk dere ws dis woman dat kept looking at us n looking away n loking at us n looking away.
guess, being frm an all girl's sch, dat kinda thing's nt reali a big deal u noe.
used 2 it la.
n n our language 2.
lyk my madrasah fren blanched n went "omg, did u jus col fiza darling?!???"
i was lyk huh? u mean u nvr col ur frens dat?
u poor soul. get heart attack in TK i tell u.
all used regularly.
and so e story goes; dere ws onli me n jell left on e train nw.
n we were toking abt random shyt n i said sth along e lines of "capules rock my world"
den jell, hu 's extremely high btw,
conducted dis one-sided convo wif herself, impersonating a couple.
Woman: Hurry baby! put it in. put it in.
Man: It's in!
Woman: Oh. reali? dat's all of it?
i was lyk wtf? where e hell did dat cum frm??
e tings dat girl cums up wif sumtyms, honestly.
so yea. dats roughly at happened yest.
oops. gtg.
tuition cuming up.
n my iPod gotta b charged.

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