Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'm hearing voices again

I tink sch's messing up my mind again.
and nt in a gd way.
i mean i jus gotta learn 2 block it out n nt listen ryt?
its all abt e mindpower or sth lyk dat.
jus wish it's easier 2 tell.
2 say it out.
sumhow, i lost my voice.
i can tell part of it bt nt all.
never all.
it'll take an exceptional person 2 get it all out of me.
bt i havent found dat exceptional person yet.
or mayb i did bt i lost dat person.
dat hurts.
bt, e world is sooo full of millions of ppl ryt?
so i'm sure i'll find another exceptional person.
bt 4 now, i'll jus keep it low.
n try nt 2 wear my heart on my sleeve 2 much.
n i gotta ignore it n nt listen.
no matter how tempting it is.
ok u noe wat, sod it.
screw everyting i jus said.
im jus nt in e mood 2 ignore animore.

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