Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's all the things you do

e past few days haf been dis crazy rollercoaster dat hurls me in2 dis whirlwind of emotions.
depressed. emo. happi.sad.
it's kinda weird seeing e fluctuations in my mood.
but ryt now, i'm cool.
wif life in general.
sumhow i tink if i haf e faith n believe, it'll go my way.
or sth lyk dat.
aniwei, i realised i got a lot of tings 2 b thankful 4.
so many little tings dat'll jus make me smile.
Here's a little random order, wen;
1)i tok 2 nikki/mira on e fone
2)someone wishes me gdnite, take care n tell me dey love me
3)nikki gets all cute
4)mira smiles cos she noes wat i'm tinking.
5)mira tells me a confuzzling story
6)mira hyperventilates cos she's nervous
7)nikki says hrmph
8)jellie goes all 'huh?i dont get it'
9)i wake up in e morning n see orli on my wall.
10)anytime i see orli :)
11)lollie blushes everytime she toks abt ed
12)nissa laughs until she cries
13)i hear a song i like
14)i see rocky n tink dat dere's 2 others lyk him bt in diff colours
15)i cuddle up wif tofty every nite
16)i see a rainbow
17)i look in2 nikki's eyes cos she has purddy eyes
18)i see nikki's pineapple hair
19)i see dat ur online
20)my cousin hugs me, gives me his charming smile n say "kakak iqa!! i love u."
21)my mofo cousin suddenly tell me i look cute
22)i see a shooting star
23)i tink of all my frens n all e bodoh tings we do
so yeah. 23 out of e many tings dat make me smile.

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