Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mercy Killing and Human Anatomy

I'm in a lil emo mood nw.
nt dat kinda emo i mean.
jus emo.
cos i'm doing research on euthanasia or "mercy killings"
its 4 e malay bahas.
n ironically e way e topic came abt ws jus ironic. :)
cos i ws telling nikki sth n den cikgu saw n he told me 2 contribute.
n i ws lyk oh shyt. wtf am i supposed 2 say??
n i blurted dis out.n it gt chosen. lolz.
aniwaez, back 2 euthanasia.
i'm against it reali. cos u noe, we dun haf a ryt 2 take away sumone's life jus cos we termed em terminal. how r we 2 tell??
did u noe dat in sum countries, ppl actuali haf 2 carry a "Do Not Euthanize Me" card in case dey get admitted 2 e hospital unexpectedly n e docs decide dere's no hope 4 em or sth.
n n dey oso administer it 2 "chronically" depressed ppl [lyk wat if e dude snaps out if it?? bt by den, it'll b 2 late cos he'll b dead.] n oso disabled babies.
lyk omg.
and and im nt 4 using unclaimed corpses for study of human anatomy or display lyk body world.
i mean, 2 me, isnt dat lyk a violation of human rights? n ur individual rights as a person??
jus imagine urself naked, n cut open n propped up on dis lil pedestal ting.
n dere's ppl gawking n gaping at u.
i tink dats jus sick.
aniwaez, moving on, cos i dun wanna put 2 much emo n all in here.
aniwae, i'll start wif yest.
e intervention. *insert drum roll here*
went veri unexpectedly.
i swear 2 god she'd haf dis whole line of retorts lined up bt nope.
"i haf nth 2 say"
wow. dats a 1st. mus b a record.
*side-track*; i swear i saw ______ 's brother on e bus home. dey look so much alike. except he has a sharper face n he's fairer. damn. remind me again . yeesh fee. let it go.*end side-track*
she said she'd try change.
personally, im waiting n c if dere r any changes after say 2 wks or so?
if dere arent kan, i reali haf totally got nth 2 say. n im jus gonna wash my hands off totally.
so yea, 2 all those hu asked hw it went, u got ur ans dere *points up* :)
2dae was sooo fucked up!
we were all jus sooo shagged so we didnt wan 2 go 4 art club.
bt damn, jus had 2 sumhow 'meet' ms D.
fuck la. we were lyk running ard e sch lyk mad ppl.
den we hid in 4/8 cos its closer.
n den ppl jus had 2 keep scaring me. "she's coming!"
i tell u panic is an understatement.
nikki ws sumhow trying 2 hide behind e cupboard door n nrl ws hiding next 2 e cupboard.
shrtl ws lyk debating on whether 2 hide under e table.
i ws at a lost n i hid behind mira hu ws stapling her class deco.
n den me n nikki waited n waited n waited 4 e bus 2 cum bt it toook so bloody long!!
i swear its retribution tau.
so yea.
dats another episode dat shows our bodoh-ness.
epitome of mofo-ness rmbr. :)
i'm hapi now. lyk at peace with myself. guess i found wateva i ws looking 4.
thnx 2 all those dat snapped me out of it n brought me crashing back 2 earth.
aightz loves,
i'm off now.
coffee's calling my name.
till next we meet.

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