Saturday, January 07, 2006

Surviving a deathwish

Tab Tv next week.
Gd timing huh.
it just keeps coming back.
[nt dat i wasnt expecting it]
it's lyk haunting.
guess its sth i jus gotta learn 2 live wif it.
n y has e damn advert gotta b DAT of all tings.
im scared 2 watch cos i dun wanna fall again bt i wan 2.
on a brighter note; i made a deal wif wani.
we'll both stay clean 4 a week till next sat.
den we'll treat each other sth.
dat'll b a lil tough wif dat tab tv episode bt we'll pull thru. :)
cos i haf faith n i noe every1 else has faith 2.
i noe it'll b ok.
i reali cannot thank all e ppl hu've given me support n jus being dere 4 me.
thank u frm e bottom of my heart.
its onli a week. i'll survive e deathwish.

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