Sunday, January 01, 2006

The games that play us

Hmm...sth i read sumwhere is pissing me off a lil...
so yea.
im gonna keep dis short n sweet.
do u seriously tink i of all ppl shld noe better?
after u noe my stance on religion n all dat.
guess wat. take another shocker; my stance hasnt changed.
so yupp.
n yea wateva i do, its my choice entirely n im sori i ever told u in e 1st place n tainted ur perception of me.
bt u noe. sumtyms u mus realise dat nt everyone is a saint or an angel lyk u.
n apparently, dat applies directly 2 me.
hmm, i got better things 2 do den sit here n feel guilty.
oh well, jus a tiny word of wisdom frm me; don't ever believe in anyting ur sister says regarding websites.
or u'll end up lyk me; hooked on2 sum krap website jus 2 play tetris a hundred or so times a day.
so yea.
new year all over again huh?
sumhow miss e hols dearly. :)

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