Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Right back at cha bitch

Just an old friend coming over
Now to visit you and
That's what I've become
I let myself in
Though I know I'm not supposed to but
I never know when I'm done
And I see you fogging up the mirror
Vapor around your body glistens in the shower
And I wanna stay right here
And go down on you for an hour
Or stay and let the day just fade away
In a wild dedication
Take the moment of hope
And let it run
Never look back
At all the damage we have done now
To each other
To each other
To each other
But when I see you
It's like I'm staring down the sun
And I'm blinded
There's nothing left to do
and still I see you
Hehe...I'm in love with e song! Third Eye Blind's Blinded. Go listen. Nice nice. :)
k, im nt gonna write abt wat i reali wanna say.
shall nt waste precious space on a self-centered, narcissitic[dat how u spell it??] bitch lyk her.
u guys noe hu im toking abt ryt?
gd gd.
smart ppl. :)
hah, can't wait 4 tmr.
wait. does dat mean i'm a sadist instead of a sarcastic person now?
bt den again kan, she is lyk a 'special' case la...so 4 her kan, fee will provide fee's one-of-a-kind
sadistic shyt...sarcasm doesnt apply 2 her la...
she bypassed fee's sarcasm. :)
n besides, since fee's sarcasm still on holiday in hawaii..so yea...
eh, y e hell am i still rattling abt her? eww.
aniwaez, lit ws nt 2 bad. im jus soooo glad we got over EL teacher. :)
heh...so funny...was debating abt y e play is called 'twelve night'...
sang dat christmas song...e 12 day, my true love gave 2 me sth sth sth song...u noe?
so yea...n haha..apparently 4e9 cn sing!!
damn. lyk choir. wats it called? carolers? sth lyk dat.
aniwaez...got up 2 day 9.
"One e nineth day of christmas, my true love gave to me....-"
silence. no one remembers.
den dis voice piped up;
"9 mnths of pregnancy."
So dats sch. after sch, went to PP wif nikki n lollie. ws in e toilet wen i overheard dis two women (one middle-age n e other, old) arguing.
convo went sth lyk dis;
Old Woman: Eh, can u nt flick ur hands lyk dat after u jus wash it? ur getting water on ppl.
Woman: I noe la!! why must you busybody?!??
Old Woman: Eh, why must you tok 2 me lyk dat?!? I tell u nicely wat. Y u shouting at me? wat's ur prob?!??
Woman: [going out of toilet] My business la!
Old Woman: [shouting at e other woman's back] Eh, you very rude ah you!!! How can you tok 2 me lyk dat?!??? I tell u nicely ryt?!?? You proud woman ah you!!
Woman: [shouting sth i cant hear] bla bla bla bla bla!!!!
Old Woman: Very rude!! Fucker!!! Bastard!!!
I was lyk OMFG. a woman hu mus b ard her late 60's jus called another woman a fucker n a bastard?!???? in public?!???
i'm lyk whoa. where e hell did dat cum frm??
i tink i kinda gasped a bit. i mean, i reali didnt expect those words 2 cross her lips u noe, seeing her age n all...
bt damn. apparently, her language is still colourful.
n still, e root of e entire shouting match is because e younger woman flicked e water frm her hands n it jus so happens dat e older woman ws standing in line of e water n got hit by a few measly pathetic drops.
lyk WTF???
*shakes head* e tings women get pissed over.
btw, i swear i did not make up e convo. it reali happened.
dun believe me???
e next tym dat kinda convo happens n i overhear it kan, i'll record it k...
den u cn go hear 4 urself. :)
Jellie; hey darl. i noe tings gg rough 4 u ryt nw. i jus wan u 2 noe dat im always here 4 u if u ever nd me. jus shout out n i'll try my bestest goddamn best k...ur strong n i noe u'll pull thru dis...i haf faith in u..dun u dare go back 2 dat again tau.u dun nd it.u;ve survived wifout it. u can cont doing dat. i noe u cn.rmbr, aniting jus msg or col me tau. take lotsa care. love ya babe.
aightz, fee's signing off now.
gd nite peeps. gd nite world. gd nite universe.
love frm fee 2 y'all.

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