Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bila emosi mengalahkan logika

Some of my indon relatives arrived from Jakarta yesterday.
Which would explain my indon mood right now.
Gahh. I love love love indon songs.
peterpan and nidji and samsons and ungu! :)
I'm watching ada apa dengan cinta on youtube.
Gahh. I really want to go back there.
I miss the people and their accents. I love indon accents.
And the food.the bakso. my god. delish.
The last time I went there was 3 years ago.
I wish I could make it for Fauzi's wedding in August but unfortunately I have school.
So sad.
Nevermind. I shall go back there soon. right dilah? :)

I totally forgot what I wanted to blog about.
Never mind. No matter.
I'll just blog about it when I can remember.

`I'm afraid to get hurt again.

`You are always gonna get hurt.

`Yeah doesn't mean it hurts any less.

`Chill. you have me. and everybody else.

Bila emosi mengalahkan logika, adakah aku yang rentan?

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