Thursday, June 28, 2007

How a day can stretch to a year

Finally summer test is over.
I know for a fact that I screwed up maths and history pretty horribly.
I counted, and there is no way I can pass maths.
Well if its some consolation, me and fiqa can at least get 2 marks for this freaking simple exponential question.
yes. 2 out of 50.

The following are excerpts from my conversation with nad, fiqa and li on the way home yesterday.

[when fiqa and nad was talking about the Campland they did which me and li didn't go to, walking to 7-11]
Me:Sesungguhnya aku dilanda kesedihan
Li:Bagai ditusuk sembilu bisa
Nad:Pedihnya entah bila akan terhenti
Me:hatiku dicarik-carik dengan keris tajam
Li:dan dirobek-robek kan
Nad: Pedih perit..ouch
Li:dan masuk ke dalam 7-11 tuk mengubat luka

Nad: Kesian kau Li, nga merana
Li: Aku bukan merana, aku sengsara
Nad: dan Fi pulak menderita

Me: Nad, sesungguhnya, dalam waktu berjalan lalu
Aku makin tak sayang padamu
Nad: Eh, nenek aku pergi ke pasar
Sesungguhnya aku tak kisah!

Nad: Eh fiqa, daun serai daun mengkudu
Aku tampar baru kau tau

Nad: aku nampak lori terbabas
aku balek nak naik bas
Fiqa: Minum teh, minum kopi
Korang balek naik la mrt!
Nad: Kau tak dengar lori terbabas
aku cakap aku naik bas!

Nad: Makan nasi pakai sudu
Lain kali kita bertemu

Konon nya baru balek MLEP camp ah tu.
Aku saaaaayang korang semua banyak2 skali.

I've made a silent vow to stop whining.
I shall not whine or talk about how much I miss you to anyone.
Not even to dilah or shaf.
cos I don't have a valid right to whine.
And I had a dream yesterday that scared the shit out of me.
A dream about you.
And I woke up crying cos I realise it will kill me if I lose you.

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