Monday, June 25, 2007

Till my heart is black and blue

I totally screwed the history paper up.
Couldn't remember most of the facts.
And when I do remember, I can't seem to organise them into a coherent answer.
Suffice to say, history is history for me.
Now I'm just counting on my malay and literature.
Tu dua jerr la yang aku harapkan.
Just imagine, I screwed it up so badly that I had time to write a few sajaks while trying to think of an adequate answer for the SEA essay.
sempat sak tulis sajak.
Fiqa was wondering how I could still be sufficiently jiwang during a freaking history paper.

Went back with shaf and farah.
We were damn happy because the new bustops right in front of the side gate just started functioning. :)
I still remembered how happy I was to drop at that stop on my way to school before the history paper.
It was raining damn heavily so I was thrilled at the fact that I won't get wet.
But then, the freaking gate had to be locked.
And no one had a freaking umbrella.
lucky for me, an auntie opened the gate for us.
If not I would have to make one full round in the rain.
Ahh, I'm sidetracking.
It's something I just do a lot.
basically, we went home and had lunch at CS.
Was going to check out prepaid cards so I can message my baby but decided against it.
I'm waiting for Saturday so that Bani can help me buy one and all after her shift ends at KFC.

I miss my baby.
ceh mine pe. padahal tak sia.
same boat kn shaf? :)

Dilah says that if you love someone once, you'll love them forever.
You said that to me too.
And its true.
Once you love someone, you'll always love them forever.
So until my heart is black and blue,
I will always love you.

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