Sunday, June 24, 2007

I wish I may, I wish I might

So the MLEP camp was okay la.
Great to meet up with all the TPJC babes and lepak with them and the kambings in 34A.
The bengkel part was very dry but I still had laods of fun.
And the campsite rocked!
Beds, air-con, power source, hot water, our own individual wardrobes etc.
So tk macam capsite langsung. haha
Obviously I didn't get much sleep.
The night before camp I was already talking to dilah so I slept about 1 hour shit only.
Then the first night, after the forum, I moved up to fiqa and shaf's room on the 3rd level.
So me and shaf left our stuffs there and moved down to Bani's room on the 1st level to lepak with her and asy.
I was damn sleepy so my face like stoink giler la and I was stoning most of the time.
at 1 plus me and shaf went back up to sleep.
And I slept for 4 hours.
The next day, during morning break, I moved my things to Bani's room cos there were like 3 empty beds.
Asy moved down also la.
That night, I lepak-ed with 34A.
Cikgu came at 1 plus and lepak-ed with us kejap.
Then me and Nad went back to my room (bani's room la actually) to sleep but nami called to say her room's totally empty and she takot tdo sendiri so me and nad moved up to sleep in her room.
Nad got another call from Khairin saying her room and Nazurah's room also empty so they slept with us.
I couldn't sleep so I called dilah and talked to her.
Ended up sleeping 1 hour before Nad dragged me to her bunk(which is like up a hill) at 6 in the morning to bathe.
So basically I had 6 hours of sleep in 3 days.
Which explains why I'm still kinda sleepy now.

I'm half-waiting for you to come online but the other half of me knows that you're not going to come online.
Looks like I'll only get to talk to you on monday when you msg me in the morning.
I miss you like shit.

Omg. Screw summer test.

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