Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cupid's got me in a chokehold

I'm freezing here in the sub-zero zone otherwise known as the school library.
I'm supposed to go off to causeway point and develop the photos needed for the PW pilot test this thursday.
But, I've decided to wait until the econs kids, meaning all of my group members, to finish their paper so I can drag them along and not be such a blur sotong using the freaking machine.

So just now was the 3 hour long malay paper.
Which I almost missed because I couldn't wake up in the morning.
Luckily I somehow, by some miracle, made it for the paper.
The karangan was okay la although I don't know why nobody did number 4 except me.
"faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada kesesakan lalu lintas jalan raya."
I mean I think I answered it correctly although I almost put population as "populasi".
Baik ah malay aku. haha.
And then the bahasa part was pretty okay also.
Except it was the first time I did aliran teks which basically means they gave us a picture of a brochure and we're supposed to rewrite in a prose form.
But I think I did pretty okay la for the paper.

Okay. Just came back from borrowing some books.
I don't know why I just can't seem to resist reading.
It's a habit I guess.
Nad was asking how the hell I find time to read what with all the work I have to do.
Well, its a habit for me to read at least 2 chapters of a book before I go to sleep each night.
And when I have nothing to do, I can spend hours reading. literally.
The librarian (I'm a little scared of her, but she's actually very nice. :) ) told me that it's a good habit to read all the time.
I guess for me, it comes naturally cos my entire family are avid readers.
of course my mum and dad read the religious books which I don't really touch cos I'm not ready for them yet.
If you come to my house, you'll see books everywhere.
The dining table is stacked with textbooks and papers cos that's where my sister and sometimes me, do work.
Near the TV, there's a whole bookshelf full of religious books, Quran, terjemahan of the Quran (in english,malay,bahasa indonesia,old english and chinese) times magazine, national geographic and photography and fishing magazines. (my dad used to be a photographer but he had to sell his camera. And he's a sea man at heart so he enjoys fishing.)
The coffee table has a malay kamus on it and an english-german dictionary and an english-malay dictionary. (no shit right)
And of course my parents have their own shelf in their room and so do me and my sister.
See, how can I resist the great pull of books?
It's where I escape to whenever things get too much, the literary world.
And such a wonderful world it is.

Cupid's got me in such a chokehold.
I'm struck by how much I actually love you.
It scares me.
How much you love me and how much I find myself loving you.
And I want you so bad it scares the shit out of me.
you just asked, i said yes.

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