Sunday, June 03, 2007

If you knew your way to the light

12.27. I'm sleepy but I'm in the mood to stay up late tonight.Maybe try push it all the way till 5 in the morning like how I used to back in the holidays.The house is getting all quiet now.
Everyone's going off/gone to sleep and my dad's still out at work.I like the quiet. It's deafeningly peaceful.

Today was the first time I went to an Indian wedding.It's an elaborate affair full of tradition.I was trying to see the ceremony up front but an annoying pillar was blocking my view andI gave up after craning my neck for a while.The food was pretty good.I've got nothing much to say about the wedding since we only stayed for a bit.My dad offered to take us to Mustafa Centre and go shopping.I agreed wholeheartedly to his generous offer since offers like that don't come around that often and I'm in serious need of new jeans.All the ones I have are dropping off me with only 1 that I'm able to fit in nicely without it falling off me every few seconds.But the plan was changed(cos its a Saturday night) and we went home instead.

"Takdir mempunyai susunan peristiwa yang lain daripada logika biasa."
[Fate has its own plan of events that is against all logical reasoning. my translation's a little off though. sorry.]
It's so true how fate always has a different plan, a different design that it follows.And always, fate's plan is outside the grasp of our logic.I guess it's one of the idiosyncrasies of Life.How we plan and plan and yet nothing ever comes out of it.And the things that do, they are always something we never expected.And they almost always never make sense.It's sad sometimes how we plan and chart the course of our future only to have it all snatched away a mere second later.And then our lives take another turn and like it or not, we're forced to continue our journey on this new route.One that may not be what we wanted in the first place, one which we might abhor.But Life's like that.It throws you out the door and bangs it shut, only to have another door open up for you.Sometimes, when we see what's on the other side of that new door, we become more content, more settled, more at peace with ourselves.Yet on other times, what's on the other side of that new door terrifies us until we are paralysed with fear and we stay, stagnant on the threshold, hoping life will reverse itself.

I finally got over my writer's block.And I wrote another sajak few minutes ago.Posted it up on my other blog.It's more on the rambling side, meaning I have no idea where it came from.Still, it's nice whenever I get some of the thoughts out of my head.It feels a little less cramped.For now that is.

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