Saturday, June 30, 2007

1.34 am in the morning

As you can see from the title, it's very late.
I'm supposed to be up relatively early [by my standards that is] cos I've got to go and draw cash from the bank so that my dad can pay the bills and my upcoming appointment and also do a little bit of overdue shopping.
But as usual, the insomnia plagues me once again.
As it does every night without fail.
And once again, I'm gonna be the last to sleep.
Ahh, but I still love the peace and quiet.
Just me and the stars.

I've forgotten what I wanted to blog about in the first place.
Somehow my attention span and short term memory has dwindled significantly.
Dilah and Shaf says the cause isn't that hard to find since its pretty much just an sms away.
Maybe they're right. Or maybe the world and its occupants is just moving on faster
and I'm still hanging in a suspended eddy. [i love that word. haha]

Oh wells.
So long as I'm content.

My brain's too wired now to focus much on blogging so I'm going off.
Night to whoever's reading this [incidentally, I wonder who is]
Keep your chin up.

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