Thursday, August 04, 2005

For me, myself and I...

Why can't you let me be me...leave me alone...i wanna be free...

I have many sides to me. I admit that. There's the overly-sentimental poetic emo side, the sadistic sarcastic cynical side, the irritating and overly annoying side...and god knows wat else...

But hey, that's just me. I can be matured if i want to be and i can be annoy the shit out of you...if you can't accept dat, den fuck off...

im a complicated specimen. yes. very complicated. its not dat i dun get enuff attn at home. sure i do. i'm spoilt. yes. but onli by material possessions...wat use is dat reali..every1 tinks im e most spoilt person ever. hey, it depends on wat ur defination of spoilt is.

sure im thankful i get stuff i wan n all bt on wat grounds? on wat foundation? ever thot of dat...

i'm a human being n duh i haf feelings u noe. n im nt exactly e most secure person in e world..i get crushed easily onli u dun reali c it i suppose.

its a lil hard i admit. i noe u inside out n i cn predict wat u say b4 u even say it. y do u tink i sumtyms cease 2 tell u stuff? thot of dat? bet not.

wats e point of drilling in2 my head all e lil things dat i tend 2 do?? i wonder...dont u? i mean i get it alrdy...dun haf 2 make bets or predictions or aniting..stings bt i dun suppose u noe...i get it. i noe myself...if u haf 2 cont drilling it in2 me, gif up unless u seriously wan 2 piss me off 1 day...hey, wait, alrdy am a lil pissed. hormone imbalance wat shite. pms...

Btw, i noe im fragile. i sprain my ankle tons of times. i dun haf balance. u tink i enjoy it is it? spraining my ankle lyk nobody's business?bt hell, even if i try explaining y exactly i tend 2 get more injuries than others, not lyk u'd appreciate it...u'd say its jus an excuse.dat im being lazy. u jus dun noe n nvr will noe how much fucking pain im in..each tym i walk or stand, u said stop being stop being so lazy or sum shite lyk dat..wat e fuck do u care if i myt haf 2 go in2 surgery? hey, y do i even bother telling u in e 1st place? my breath gonna b wasted no?

n i oso noe im irritating. well, fucking ignore me if it bothers u so much...let me rattle on lyk sum lunatic gundu all 2 myself. makes u luk more sane no?crush me again if dat makes u feel better...

n i noe i whine a lot. i noe it hurts ur ears. bt wen i shut up, u ask me y i shut up. wat exactly do u mean? cn u make up ur mind n nt confuse me..hmm, mayb ur telling me dat 2 shut me up..u wan dat? jus dun regret it if i go mute or sth one day..

lets c, ltr, how many more stuff u can cum up wif abt me...shld b fun ryt? interesting no? u cn analyze me 4 real..exercise ur analytical skills yeah?

N im a fucking listener n not a fucking talker. i LISTEN. I don't talk. accept dat. if u wan sum1 2 tok 2, u got e wrong person alryt. if dat bothers u, i truly gt nth 2 say 2 u...n if my reflective moods irritate u so much, go tok 2 sum1 else den...

N btw, no matter how many flaws u c in me dat bothers or irritates u, well, i'm sorry. Im so sorry im nt perfect lyk dats onli better ryt? more 4 u 2 criticize, analyze and all dat shite...

Well guess wat, dis is me. if u cant accept me 4 hu i am, mayb its tym u start rethinking...cos ur sending me mixed signals dat r so not helping me...well, i dunno la, up 2 u la...

btw, if u terasa ah ryt, hu e fuck said all dis means its u???

"To be nothing but yourself, in a world that is doing its best, day and night, to make you everybody else..."