Saturday, August 06, 2005


I'm still kinda in shock or shld i say surprise after e phone call i received last nyt...

Guess Mira's ryt...we do find comfort in total strangers...lyk dis classmate of mine, im nt even close 2 her bt still she called me up 2 tok abt stuff..her problems..her insecurity...her anger...everything...i was pleasantly surprised la...cos u noe i nvr expected her 2 pour it all out 2 me bt u noe, wen u nd sum1 2 tok 2 n ur choices are limited...mayb dats how she oh well, hope wat i said 2 her actuali made sense...n dat she sorts it out...sumhow...

Reading dis site...its kinda lyk a site where ppl send out postcards anonymously abt their secrets...u noe e secrets dat dey nvr told any1 b4...sum of e secrets r so sad...dey kinda remind me dat we're all nt alone in dis world...dat sumwhere, out dere, sum1 else is oso experiencing e same ting we r...

it was one of the most truthful and sincere things i've ever read...the most barest and naked truth..not disguised or hidden beneath layers of lies, pretence, deceptions and such...dat is wat dat reali matters in life...nt e illusions we create for ourselves..or e delusions we try 2 turn in2 reality...its e simple truth ryt in front of us dat matters...e 1 dat we always ignore..dat we always cover up...yet its wat shapes life, give it form...not e lies or deceptions or illusions...jus truth...

"We swallow greedily any lie that comes by us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter..."