Friday, August 05, 2005

Life is short...too short...

Life is short. too short. u myt nvr noe wen sth myt happen..u may nvr mean 4 it 2 happen dat way bt it did...u got 2 expect the unexpected...n not live in illusions. Illusions of how life could, should and would be..dun tink abt e wat ifs and wat nots..y do u choose 2 do so? life is short...

Never take it 4 granted...Dun do sth risky..u haf a lot going on 4 u even if u dun believe it u noe...sure,i noe sumtyms taking risks is reali, how long r u willing 2 tempt fate?

Sumtyms, u find ur safety, ur security n ur protection in sum1 or 4 u lyk i said, expect e unexpected...u myt nvr noe wen it's all gonna be taken away from u...cruel? yes but that's life..

So how do u live ur life? Live it 2 e fullest. i noe u tink dats so cliched but its true..jus go do all e stuff u love..dun waste it.U onli got ONE shot so dun u ever waste it away...At least at e end, u cn look back n say dat u've lived ur life 2 e fullest..

And treasure the ppl u love..dun take dem 4 granted..dun b lyk me...eveyting crumbled...8pm...1 call..n my life will nvr b e same again...

I wasted away precious tym..n now, im spinning out of control, trying 2 grasp wat's left behind but its slipping thru my fingers...i felt protected 2, safe. knowing dat dere's always b sum1 out dere 4 me..dat u'll always b dere..

But it all changed...I was in shock..i didnt wan 2 believe..even now, i tink a part of me nvr did believe dat it cld happen..ia part of me still denies wats so blantantly true...dat such a disease cld plague sum1 so swit, nyc, good, so everyting...jus lyk u...e day u told me, u changed my whole outlook on life...i realised now nth is perfect...nth will last...i learned nt 2 take things 4 granted...

worse thing is i regret it...i regret nt spending more tym wif u...Im sorry i didnt fulfill ur last happened too still trying 2 comprehend it...dat ur gone...dat i wont c u ever again...i dunno whether i'll ever get over u...Im sorry i cldnt ease ur sorry i cld only u still remained strong..u nvr once broke down or showed how scared u were...u kept it in..4 me..i miss u so much..r u hapi wherever u r now? i hope u r...i hope ur nt suffering in pain animore...u deserve it..i noe u'll always b dere...looking over me..always...

Treasure ur life n e ppl u love..Life is short n u onli get 1 shot at it...dun waste ur chance...dun live in regret 4 e res of ur life...its not worth it...

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. "

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