Saturday, August 13, 2005

Stay with me...

Stay with me pls
I dunno wat i'd do wifout u if u go
I realised it now
i was lying to myself
hoping it'd go away
dat my love 4 u will fade away
Bt i was wrong
Here it still stays
Im sorry
U haf 2 suffer
Jus pls..try n fight
4 me
I believe u now..
Wen u say u love me
u mean it
N now i mean it 2
dun leave me
i dun tink i can take it..
I love u
a lot
I'm sorri
so sorri
4 breaking ur heart
4 tearing u apart
I wished i didnt do sth so rash
i wished all dis nvr happened
i wish it was me instead
i wish i was e 1 hu gt hit by dat car
i wish i was e one lying unconcious
dead 2 e world
did u hear me whisper in ur ear?
did u hear me?
im askin u 2 cum bak 2 me
open ur eyes
i wanna c their light again
i wanna hear ur voice again
stay with me
dun u take him away frm me
u took her now pls dun take him
i beg u
i noe i ask u 4 lots of things
but please grant me dis 1 thing
Please dun take him away