Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What is love???

Love...Its a veri simple four-letter word..But its probably 1 of the most hard 2 define...Im nt toking abt love for frens, family n stuff lyk toking abt love 4 u noe, DAT special sum1... wat IS love aniwei?How do u noe ur in love?? n dat wat ur feeling isn't jus sum infatuation or fling or cn u define love??

Everyone searches 4 everyone wants to feel love...wat exactly is it with love dat causes us 2 gif up everything 4 it? sacrifice all our dreams, our aspirations...jus for a thing called love...i guess every1 defines it in a their own here's my defination...hopes it makes sense la..

Love..2 me, love is when you care about someone more than u care abt urself. and u'd rather make them happy den make urself happy..

Love is when my grandma got athritis and she couldnt bend down 2 do up her shoes animore.My granddad does it 4 her all e tym even though not long after dat, his hands got athritis too...

Love is when my mum makes coffee for my dad and takes a sip before giving it to him even though she doesnt like coffee...just to make sure the taste is okay...

Love is when you go out to eat with dat special sum1 and u gif him/her half of ur fries wifout asking them 2 gif u any of theirs in return...

To me, its the little everyday things u do 4 dat special sum1 dat shows u love dem...u dun haf 2 express it in words..jus by actions...u dun haf 2 do extraodinary things 2 shove u love sum1...fact is, even boring, mundane, ordinary things can prove 2 be extraodinary...

True love hurts sumtyms bt we all need it...Lyk how e flowers and trees need the sun for food? we need love too...always...and thats a fact...Love is wat makes the ride worthwile...Love can be the most sweetest of dreams, yet, it can also be the worst nightmare..if u hurt, n fall...dun wori, god created us in a way dat sumwhere out dere, our veri own special sum1 is waiting 2 b found...

~To have and to hold from this day forward. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer. For better or for worse. I promise to love and cherish you and deny all those that will come in between us .I make this promise for eternity. A promise that i will keep forever until the end of time.Till death do us part...~
[thot it was fitting sumhow cos it technically can apply 2 all of us... :)]

"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew..."