Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm HIGH and i'm lovin it!

I'm happy! For once in a damn long time! yayness...Watched Charlie and the Chocolate factory yest! Reali nyc movie...had a gd tym...Johnny Depp totally rocks as Willy Wonka...played dat part damn well..thou Willy was kinda creepy, scary kinda dude...morbid.dats wat Nikki said..Yupz..except 4 e part where i cldnt drink coke or coffee...Nooooo...I love my coffee...But still...yeesh...No more coffee...so sad...But aniwei, other den dat, I'm happy!! Watchin e movie again wif my lil sissy tmr...double yay!

yes jellyfish, lil things make one happy...Lyk lotsa CHOCOLATE!!! alrdy had 3 bars n wan more!! High and drunk on chocs!! Whee...can set record...lolz

Aniwaez,since i'm in a veri gd mood 2dae, i feeling i shld thank sum ppl ...cos u noe u hafta thank ppl so u dun take em 4 granted...tau...aniwaez,many thnx go out to dis ppl...:

Orlando Bloom- 4 loving me...lolz...u rock..luv ya loads 2...lolz...:)

Johnny Depp- Ur willy wonka made me smile n laugh loads...Thankiez...(Omi,dun kill me, i dun lyk him in DAT wat kayz...he's all urs...)

The inventor of Chocolate- Thank you veri veri much!! ur invention so made my day...everyday!

Doctor M.J.- 4 treatin my foot n 4 e insoles which helped e pain a lot...thanx! n dun hurt dat ur kinda cute n hot 2...:)

PNikkiB- 4 desperately trying 2 pretend u sprained ur ankle...lolz...silly u...and sorry 2 say, u didnt reali pull it off...hehe..Thnx 4 always being dere 4 me wen i need u...I feel so free...hehe..Luv ya..Btw, i named one fireworks at e NDP after u...cos u lyk swirly twirly wirly!!!

Jellyfish- For goin sch wif me yest...n being supergirl n saving my life!!! Lolz..watch e minah-meter..lolz...Thnx oso 4 always making my day and cheering me up...N for always being dere 4 me wen i nd u...rock on and luv ya...

Omi- 4 being my mommy...N looking out 4 me since i apparently can't do dat for myself...

Nini- 4 being...well...u..silly immature u...always manage 2 ammuse me...heh..Btw, next tym, mus go out wif us instead...tau..luk after urself yeah lil sis?

Jack- Ola bro...wassup...lolz...u rock..Thanks 4 helping me carry e newspapers up e stairs sumtyms...appreciate it...N stop using dat irritating word!

Shaf- 4 e counselling n comfort i needed at tyms...Luv ya n stay strong yeah? Take care of urself aightz..

Katshee- You and ur cows n ur pocky...lolz...so funi...ammuse me..bt try nt 2 keep vandalising e board wif cows frm no matter how many diff perspectives dere is kayz???

Princess- U n ur matt...haiz...bt thankiez 4 always listening 2 me wen i bitch bout ahem*ahem... hehe.. :)

p.o.R.n.y.z - Thankiez lots 4 umm all e enlightening er...insights u've granted me wif...Must choose meeting tyms proper n nt wen e bell alrdy rang yeah? Btw, wheres e photo???Mus take soon..tau...

Jelly- For tolerating my bitchin durin e National day concert tingy...I noe i'm mean n i'm loving it! Her fault for being so ergh aniwei... [*puking guts out in2 handy bucket*] :):):)

To you- Thanx 4 e opportunity 4 me 2 feel loved n love...thou next tym, if dere is a nex tym 4 u wif huever, try nt 2 be a jerk...oso, no hard feelings thou u hurt me pretty bad...so i guess dat was jus a gesture of speech huh?

My lil Sissy: 4 tolerating my rambling and recollections of yest...u rock..

And umm thanks also 2 : -ALL my frens for being my frens...u guys r e best!
-My fellow Niners for a great class...Niners rock e world!
-My family 4 loving me...esp dad 4 e fireworks treat...n for spoilin
me rotten...
- E rest of my extended family...esp grandma 4 always spoilin me...2
bibik, hope u find peace in ur life and find e ryt direction again
-2 any1 else i've met n hu noe me, well, thank u...

Come take me away
Sailing past the Milky way
Reaching out into outer space
Lead me on through the endless maze
Come take me away...

"Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile."