Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Soy feliz ahora...I piensa

Haiz...2dae was an okay kinda day...was dead bored sumhow...princess asked me dis quiz shyt n den sumhow quizes were lyk e topic of convo??? lolz...aniwaez, after sch, got caught up in naming stuff game tingy shit...nikki la...she n xuan were going on abt diff types of rice...den, me, nikki n omi got caught up sumhow...n we tried noodles...n den along came nini...den it progressed 2 brands...n countries...n fruits...n flowers...n colours...lolz...kinda helped all our mental capabilites or sth lyk dat...heh...

Nikki: Stay strong ya loads...col me if u nd sum1 aightz??? u noe my number...ryt?? :) lolz...btw, say hi frm me 2 [deep*breath] Bobby Beckham Michael Murray Bloom!!!

Aniwaez, here r my instructions 4

Always be sincere.Whether u mean it or nt

Dont't be afraid 2 say "i dont know"

Dont expect life 2 b fair.It is ALWAYS unfair.

Love deeply and passionately.You may get hurt but its the onli way to live life completely

Smile wen picking up e phone.e caller will hear it in ur voice.

Treat ppl e way u wan 2 b treated.

Notice those dat love u n return e gift

And Lastly

When you say "i'm sorry" and "i love you", look e person in the eye and mean it.

"We will only be healed from a suffering if we express it completely..."