Saturday, August 20, 2005

Forbidden yet so sweet..

Is it wrong 2 indulge in sth we're nt supposed 2? is it wrong even though it makes us feel better? helps take us 2 e world where we can forget all e pain n hurt...even if its onli it wrong??

Some ppl may say yeah its wrong...n i guess it depends on wat u think...dere r many diff things ppl use as an long as u can feel a lil better n 4get all ur probs..even 4 a while...its a form of realease...from e cruelties e world has 2 offer...i always thot writers n poets hu wrote abt wat a wonderful world it is, knew their, i jus say dey're either blind or refuse 2 see...

drugs...alcohol...self-mutilation...gambling...admit it...every1 of us has a secret indulgance sumwhere dat we noe is forbidden in general 2 all dat still doesnt stop us from indulging in it so wrong?? if u haf control over it, is it wrong??

Sum ppl think heck, wen ur in dat state of mind, u dun noe wat e hell ur doing...i beg 2 differ...yet,its every1's opinion...every1 has a diff view...

U wanna noe wat i indulge in? why shld i tell u? wat right do u haf 2 noe? Fact is, i'm just living my life and its just a thing i do...

~indulging in something i'm not supposed to makes me feel better...although it hurts right after...At least i won't become again another cutter...tearing my heart open and serving it on a platter...~

permita mí soñar, no me despierto
Let me dream, don't wake me...