Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Heyya. I'm back!
frm china dat is.
got back dis morning at ard 4.30?
aniwae, i'll jus run thru my trip aightz.
Day 1:
A group of abt 36 of us met at Changi airport ard 11? flight was at 2. aniwaez, cute guys alert. lolz. got on e plane n arrived at beijing at 8.30. e moment i stepped onto e connecting tunnel tingy frm e plane, dis freaking cold gust of wind hit me full on e face thru dis miniscule crack. OMG. worse den e freezer. we met Alex, our tour guide n he brought us 2 dinner. Nt so bad reali. ppl keep telling me i'll haf 2 eat congee n veggies. nt true. e food was quite nice. :) aniwaez, after dinner, we checked in 2 e Bao Ding hotel n had a good night's rest.
Day 2:
We met at e lobby at 7 in e morning 2 go 4 breakfast. after dat we headed over 2 Tian'an men square. we walked along e length of it 2 reach e forbidden city. i tink dat was e coldest day in all e days i was in China. i was actuali shivering. didnt haf a proper duck feather jacket so had 2 make do with dis flimsy one. my neck n ears were frozen n i actuali had 2 use a sweater as a scarf. lolz. one of e guys, e cuter one(2 me la), was actuali tearing. stupid of him reali. he was onli wearing 2 layers of sweaters. aniwaez, we entered e forbidden city. its damn huge. 20 football fields or sth. walked a long way. stopped for starbucks. :) ended up at the other side n went to the summer palace. veri nice view. e lake was all frozen. i tried 2 walk on e ice bt i fell n developed sum sort of a phobia. :) next stop was dis pearl place tingy. nice stuffs. i bought a bracelet n ring. after dat we visited silk place. next stop was the traditional medcine university where we were all given 'checks' by doctors dere. i was told i got anemia thus all e migraines n headaches. :) n finally a cheap market place in a mall. i got my jacket. its pretty. wif fur trimmings ard e hoodie. :). e guys bought terrorist hoods. u noe, e kind dat covers ur whole face bt wif holes for ur eyes, nose n mouth? yupps. finally learned their names. Syahir(cuter one) and nasrul. :)
Day 3:
1st stop; jade place. bought a simple braclet. dad n mum decided 2 go as a pair or sth n bought jade rings. even grandmummy joined in. after dat was the trip to the world wonder. the climax of e trip. The Great Wall. majestic view. took my breath away. its lyk im on top of the world u noe? me n mum climbed up. all was fine. i was aiming 2 reach e third stage so i cn get a certificate bt nope. i looked down, got scared n cldnt move. had 2 literally crawl down. lolz. Nasrul was flounting his certificate ard. his reali funi. even thou he's nt as cute as Syahir, his character n charm made up 4 it. :) den, we headed over to the crystal place. OMG, e amethyst necklaces were so pretty! bt dad refused 2 let me buy any. hrmph. my sis got pulled in all directions by my grandmum n mum n Nek Yam. shes e residential fashion expert. literally everyone ask her opinion first. cos if she says its ugly, its ugly. if she says its nice, its nice. honestly, she shld charge 4 her service. after dat we went for more shopping bt e mall we went to; dere was no bargain. :( so sad. if not, normally, we bargained until 3/4 or more of e actual price. good deal. :)
Day 4:
1st stop was the nanshan ski resort. e snow dere is man-made thou it hardly mattered cos it was too cold 4 e snow 2 melt aniwaez. i admit, i was a teensy bit nervous cos i've never gone skiing before ryt, n remembering e disastrous tym i 1st tried out ice-skating, i was actuali expecting 2 break my leg. lolz. bt it was ok. only fell abt 4 tyms or so. it was a lil hard at 1st. my legs didnt seem 2 want to cooperate with me. got e hang of it after a few minutes. fun! i love skiing. :) spent abt 3 hrs dere. of course i cld only try e beginners slope. e guys did e advanced slope. bt Nasrul didnt noe how 2 turn. so he always ended up at the side.lolz. syahir was a pro. after skiing, we went 2 e tea house. very interesting. dere's dis device, its called a pee-pee boy. damn cute. its made out of clay n its used 2 check e temperature of e water. if e water's hot enough, the boy actuali pees. lolz. damn funi. Nasrul stole some dried rose petals. he gave me one. :). found out his age thou. he's 15 next yr. syahir's a year younger. so much so 4 looks being deceiving. (i thot syahir was 17! yikes.) he n syahir became my sort or 'step-brother'. lolz. next was more shopping. i bought puma shoes n t-shirts. e shoes are nice nice. cost me only 14 s'pore bucks. lolz.n den my family, kak muna n kak mar, along wif e guys n their family took a 12-hr train ride 2 xi'an.
Day 5:
arrived at xi'an. immediatly checked in n had breakfast. damn nice. :) den headed over to c e terracotta warriors. emperor qin shi huang , created a massive tomb when he died. he wanted 2 b supreme ruler even in the afterlife so he built dis underground city dat spans over 1560 football fields. but only 3 pits have been uncovered. and all over them are of terracotta warriors, the emperor's own army. yupps. den we visited dis fruit shop tingy. nasrul almost gave his mum a heart attack wen he bought a coloured dragon lighter. e earful she gave him. goodness. after she's done, syahir's dad started berating him abt it. syahir n his sis was laughing. n his other sis, filza was toking her head off 2 me. literally everything under the sun. n so ends another day in china.
Day 6:
1st stop was the defence wall ard e city of xi'an. nt much dat interests me dere. next stop was the stone tablet museum. its a collection of letters, documents, poems n such dats been carved on huge slabs of stones. its much like being in a library. except its books are all made entirely of stone. amazes me how e olde writers and poets carve such intricate carvings. every word was carved with exact precision and care. after a walk thru e museum, we headed over to the bell tower. nearly everyone stayed on the bus at this stop. only me, my mum, my sis, nasrul's mum n kak muna went down. everybody else was down with either fever, flu or headaches or their feet were aching 2 much.
Day 7:
next we visited e mosque. its a mosque made chinese style. meaning 2 say dat its structure was no different den dat of e temples. e way dere was stock full of little shops selling tidbits and goodies. i finally bought chopsticks. :) n added a couple more things to my collection. next was the drum tower. i was 2 tired 2 properly enjoy the tower. n den it was off 4 another 12 hr train ride back 2 beijing 4 our last n final day. i think i prefer beijing to xi'an. yuppz. i cldnt sleep on e train. wen i finally did, weirdly, i had dis dream of nikki n mira. hmm.
Day 8:
e guys wanted 2 go 2 e great wall again so we went dere bt dis tym, i stayed in e cafe. drank coffee. yummy. after that we went for more shopping at another market. i was a lil pissed cos it wasnt e market dat we last went to so dere was lesser tings dere dat i liked. dere was dis particular shirt dat i liked bt i cldnt find it at dis market. its on special request frm nasrul's mum hu wanted 2 buy table cloths. yes. of all things 2 buy in china, tablecloths. *shakes head*. her table tops are all bare i suppose. aniwaez, had 2 rush back 2 e airport 4 flight back 2 s'pore.
n so ends my trip 2 china.
its jus sad dat it didnt snow.
i so wanted 2 c snow falling.
bt nope.
in actual fact, it was alrdy supposed 2 be snowing in beijing.
bt guess im nt lucky.
oh wellz, dere's always next yr. :)
goodness, its real good 2 b back. ;)
ok, ta.
lotsa lurve.

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