Monday, December 12, 2005

The pros and cons of breathing

Guess this is my last post b4 i leave tmr.
Will miss everyone dearly.
n i noe u all will miss me 2 :)
Yesterday, i got hit by realisation.
thank u 4 telling me all dat.
bt i dun noe whether i cn forgive and forget just yet.
i gotta deal wif my own skeletons 1st.
n dats gonna take up every ounce of me left.
cos its nt easy. n it's nt gonna b anymore easier.
i noe dat.
sumtyms i wish i was lyk u.
so strong.
so full of self-restraint.
so everything i'm not
sumtyms i wish i'm not so pessimistic.
i wish.
u said it urself.
i'm a ppl-dependant kinda person.
will all this ever stop?
i dunno.
aniwaez, to all those who SI[self-injure] or used 2 SI or know ppl hu SI,
dere's a link on here dat might help.
i hope it helps.
wish u all e best.
Lots of love.
Remember, you are never alone.

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