Thursday, December 22, 2005

Love is watching someone die

Was in another one of my many reflective and stoner moods just now.
Love is watching someone die.
Everyone views love in a diff way.
but love in general can b depicted in dat one sentence.
2 me at least.
cos sometimes, u don't realise you love a person or how much u love them until dey're gone and dey won't come back.
and sometimes, you mask ur love with hatred.
u say u hate a person bt in reality u dun realise dat u reali dun.
cos ur love for dat person has been buried under layers and layers of hatred dat burns frm within.
n den e love resurfaces at e most unexpected time; wen its 2 late.
wats my point?
my point is dat give ppl a chance.
love them n let them love u.
cos u nvr noe wen dey'll b taken away frm u.
aniwaez, im supposed 2 do a quiz ryt?
so yeah.
5 random tings abt me;
1. i cant slp at nite without my teddy. so wen i go slp, Mr. Tofty has to b with me. :)
2. i love reading scripts. doesnt matter wat kind; movie screenplays, plays, transcripts. i love em all. sure, sumtyms i'll noe e plot b4 i actuali see e movie bt hey, i like it aniwaez.
3. i have dis looooong list of potential blog titles dat i collect. so wen i blog, i'll just pick one.
4. i haf dis ting for guys wearing glasses. geeks? i dunno. lolz. dey're jus cute. :)
5. i slp wif e comforter/blankie pulled ryt up 2 my chin even if its freaking hot jus so the ghosts and demons n what-nots cant stranggle me in my slp.
ok. done. 5 random tings abt me. :)
sch starts soon. damn.
hmm...u noe, on 2nd thot, mayb i'll go 2 poly instead.
oh wells, c how it goes.

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