Friday, December 09, 2005

My heart is the worst kind of weapon

My heart is the worst kind of weapon
And your words are your bullet
You shoot them straight at me and i can't duck, i can't hide
I gotta take them standing up
I gotta smile and pretend I don't hear you
Why do you torture me so?
Keep me tightly bound in your thorned chains
hurt me again and again
step on my heart, break it
i can say i don't care animore
Its no wonder I hate you.
Way to go mum. way to go dad.
going out again 2dae.
gonna go get snow hat tingy 4 my sis.
hope dey dun make a freaking scene dere 2.
i dun need ppl staring at us
i dun need e assumptions.
i reali dun.
im so tired of always having 2 disengage myself
im sick of making excuses 2 ppl
sometimes, i jus wish dey'd accept dat it's gone.
wat we had wont ever come back.
dat doesnt happen in life. n definately not in ours.
ws supposed 2 go mira's hse wif nikki 2dae
bt nikki went on sudden trip 2 KL
she'll b back sat nite.
Thot i'd just drop by mira's hse aniwaez.
so i can escape from here
so i can excape from all these craziness
But mum wouldn't let me
reali wanna c em b4 i go china on tues
jus got news e trip's extended till e 21st.
so its either i c em quick on mon
need 2 get my cds back frm nikki aniwae
i c em wen sch re-opens.
dat oso means i gotta start my hw.
60 freaking qns
wat is e world cuming 2?
i'll prob do a bit of it.
i predict i'll haf a lil prob wif e rest. :)
wat wif no more tuition.
probs between abg Dan and kak Ann n all.
nadia's working.
lucky girl. get extra cash. mus get her 2 treat me sth.
gotta persuade her 2 help me wif my hw shyt soon 2.
im out of here.
ta ppl.

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