Saturday, December 03, 2005

Lost in Translation

Ah...finally i updated.
Been meaning to bt sumhow jus didnt get ard 2 it.
ws toking 2 nikki jus nw.
deep shit reali.
wat we were toking abt i mean.
ws gonna blog abt dat bt changed my mind.
cos halfway thru e convo, i got dis weird feeling
I wonder y i dun miss u. i mean i do. bt i dont. i dunno.
u noe dat kinds of feeling dat u noe ur supposed 2 feel sth bt den ur nt n ur feeling guilty cos ur nt feeling it?
am i making sense?
yeah. dat kinda feeling.
I'm scared.
cos im nt feeling dat feeling dat im supposed 2 feel.
u noe, looking back, i realised dat i've changed. a lot.
things haf changed.
n dey'll continue changing.
n dat's e scary part.
or maybe its jus me.
maybe i just lost my way.
bt den again,
losing ur way on a journey is unfortunate
but losing ur reason for the journey, is a fate more cruel
guess i've found my answer; i lost my reason. n im veri sure u've lost urs 2.
Sometimes you wonder whether that feeling you're feeling is a bad omen of things to come

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