Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm wide awake, it's morning

1.55 am.
Wide awake.
I think maybe i drank 2 much coffee jus now.
Be going 2 china next tues.
It's winter there so safe to say i'd freeze 2 death.
My sis got her winter jacket. i havent.
she luks lyk a giant marshmellow.lolz
having a hell of a tummy ache.
aniwaez, i ws jus tinking abt how i take sum things for granted.
Lyk wen one of my frens sms me gd nite n swit dreams.
i mean dere's ppl out dere hu dun haf dat privilage to feel loved.
Lyk the poor children in pakistan.
dey dun haf any1 hu wishes em a gd nite n 2 haf swit dreamz ryt?
I tink in life, it's lil tings lyk dat dat matters.
cos dey're reali e ones we take 4 granted e most.
am i making any sense?
argh. im missing everybody.
Snam: i miss ur patience. i miss ur perky bubbly self. i miss ur stories. i miss e sound of ur voice wen ur telling me a potentially confuzzling situation n confuzzling me. i miss ur smile dat always makes my day. i miss ur huggs. i miss u. love u.
Nikki: i miss ur constant company. i miss toking 2 u. i miss ur cuteness n ur pouts. i miss sharing my nano with u on e bus n u playing Letters to you on repeat. i miss messing up ur hair n watching u put it right. i miss u telling me the nonsensical ridiculous things u do . i miss u. love u.
Jellie: i miss ur concern. i miss ur sms-es. i miss u pouting n me giving in. i miss u hogging e cam. i miss ur hugs. i miss ur silly blurness n me having 2 explain 2 u.i miss ur silly winks. i miss u. love u.
Nissa: i miss ur prescence. i miss hearing u gush over fahrin n e way ur eyes light up wen u mention him. i miss u jus listening 2 my shyt n giving me support. i miss seeing u laugh until u cry. i miss u. love u.
Jack: i miss toking 2 u abt everything n anything. i miss u gushing over ed. i miss u turning tomato red when u blush. i miss ur rants. i miss ur sarcasm n ur frankness.i miss u. love u.
Omi: i miss ur bubly hyperness. i miss ur sudden mood swings n sulks. i miss u scolding me wen i get 2 irritating. i miss u taking care of me. i miss ur laughter. i miss u. love u.
I miss everybody else 2. i miss waiting at the toilet 4 nini n her whining. i miss nurul's stories n gestures. i miss shaf 's laughter n her smile. i miss bitching wif princess. i miss kat's hyperactive-ness. i miss all e crazy wacky niners. I miss a lot of ppl!
K la, ta. i'm off for a bit of reading. got abt 2 n a half more hrs 2 go b4 sleeping time. :)
Lots of love. Gd nyt world. swit dreamz.

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