Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Goodbye singapore, Hello China

Hey. I'm at e airport currently.
waiting 2 board e flight.
using free internet.
so yeah.
miss u all alrdy la.
i noe u'll miss me 2 ryt? :)
take lotsa care.
Snam: Take care darl. Look after urself. Wish all e best 2 u n ur boo. :) miss u alrdy. love.
Nikki: Take care sweetie. I'll try abt e chem tingy k. cant promise u anyting tho. miss u alrdy.love.
Jellie: Hey ya. I did msg u wat. yest rmbr? lol. u take care of urself. n thnx 4 everyting yeah.love.
Nissa: Hey girl. Take care of urself yeah? go shop lots yeah? love
Jack: Yo. U ah, rmbr 2 chill in e fridge on the iceberg tau. all e best.love
Omi: Hey dear, take gd care of urself k? dun stress 2 much. All e best. Sori im nt gonna b here 4 u.love
shaf: hey girl. take care. n rmbr, u owe me a story tau. love
Ok, i onli got abt 2 mins left so i gotta end dis now.
dun wori, i'll get u all stuff frm china k?
take care.

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