Tuesday, December 27, 2005

When bad conversations happen to good people...

Went to sch just now. had 2 buy sch uni.
Met up wif Omi n Loll.
After lunch at PP, headed off 2 e lib.
Need 2 check on dat article abt trading in my nano for a video so i cn gif it 2 loll 4 her 16th.
found e goddamn article.
it was in e 11 december copy.
so naturally, i called e shop 2 enquire u noe.
and thus my convo wif e salesgirl.
Salesgirl: Hi. Good Afternoon. How can I help u?
Me: Umm...Hi, can I enquire about the trading in my iPod Nano for an iPod Video?
Salesgirl: Uh, u haf 2 pay. its not trade-in just lyk dat.
Me: (I was so tempted 2 say 'duh! i noe dat' bt, unfortunately, controlled my mouth.) Er, yeah. I haf 2 top-up abt 100 bucks ryt?
Salesgirl: No! No. Umm, ur nano is 4 GB? if it is den we normally take it in 4 200 bucks.
Me: umm...ok. So I'll have to top up how much exactly for a 30GB iPod video?
Salesgirl: Umm, lets c, e 30GB iPod video costs that much so i'd say u'd haf 2 pay about $348.
I was lyk huh?! wat e hell. u actuali wan me 2 trade-in my nano 4 onli 200 bucks?!??? it costs 438 bucks ok. ergh.
so my plan 2 get Loll e iPod video has apparently gone down e drain. sori Loll. *shruggs*
Finally sort of worked out wat 2 get nissa. :)
Yesterday was fun. went out wif Loll and Jell. easy-going kinda day.
Loved e coffee at TCC(The Coffee Connoisseur).
Shall try out Coffee Club next tym. :)
i love my coffee. Did i mention dat? lolz.
Oh, i remember wen we were at TCC;
Jellie apparently can't hold down her coffee.wonder wat will happen wen she loses it?
she got horny. and high. haha.
well, dats nt reali a huge surprise seeing as how her coffee had chocolate in it and both are aphrodisiacs.
started sprouting out stuff.lolz.
n i swear e women directly behind us was almost gonna get e heart attack or sth. i mean, her eyes was bulging and all n she looked lyk she's seen a ghost or sth.
i was enjoying her expression e whole tym we were toking.
lolz...we may look innocent by we're so not. so dere.
damn. im freaking broke n e complete season 1 of One Tree Hill's out.
N i can't get it!!!
i reali reali reali want it.
someone get it 4 me as an advance b'dae prezzie cn?
i'll love u forever if u do.
Ok, i've just realised i've babled e entire post. shld stop now.
so ta.
i'm outta here.

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