Friday, December 23, 2005

What dreams are made off

Was thinking. abt e future u noe.
bt yeah, u still gotta tink abt it sumtyms.
so i thot and thot and thot.
everytym sumone asks me "wat do u want 2 b wen u grow up?"
My answer always changes.
bt its always sth 2 do with writing or languages or sth of dat sort.
lyk dat one tym i said i wanted 2 b a linguist and learn all e languages dere is in e entire world.
bit ambitious of me. heh.
now, it amuses me 2 tink back 2 my enthusiasm n gusto as i proclaimed dat.
and e look of incredulity i got in return is hilarious now dat i tink abt it. :)
den again, its onli natural dat i do sth dat i love ryt?
i mean i dun wanna b stuck in a job dat i hate n b miserable.
now dat i've sort of reached e crossroad in my life where i get 2 decide my future, i'm tinking i gotta tink hard.
n im tinking dat i'll definately, without a doubt go into writing. journalism 2 b exact.
so since i knew wat i want 2 be, now comes e part where i gotta decide where to go next.
n suddenly, JC doesn't seem 2 appeal 2 me at all.
i noe ppl expect me 2 go 2 a good JC n enter a good Uni n get a good degree.
well, my mum does n so does my entire assembly of aunts, uncles and cousins.
but reali, if u tink abt it, JC is jus an extension of Sec Sch. studying and more studying.
u get wat i mean ryt?
n reali, im nt e kind 2 sit myself down n devote hours and hours studying subjects im nt even remotely interested in. like maths 4 example.
in short, im nt a study kinda person. period.
so y nt opt 4 poly?
sure, i'll get dat "u'r frm a gd sch n u wan 2 go 2 poly?"
at least i got dat frm my mum and dad wen i broached e subject last tym.
but like always, im gonna defy them. :)
2 bad, their lil girl isn't going 2 go JC. fullstop. get over it.
i've planned it all out. i tink.
i'll study hard 4 O's, get myself in2 Ngee Ann Polytechnic and take Mass Communications.
Den, i'll pursue a degree in print journalism at an Aust. Uni.
so dats e plan. 4 now.
hu noes it cld change 2 a uni in UK or sth.
althou studying in UK is kinda lyk a faraway dream 4 me.
An Aust. Uni is kinda more reality-ish.
bt e poly's definately staying.
hmm..wonder wat my mum wld say. ;)

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