Thursday, June 26, 2008

Because I know this won't last

I had one of those rare good days where I just feel happy and content and at peace.
Its strange though because I was late for the Malay paper and I almost missed it totally which will be bad because I'm kind of banking on Malay to make up for my other sorry results.
And I did the narrative for karangan which I am NOT supposed to do because it's too risky but I was forced to as I totally blanked when I saw the other questions and I couldn't remember what the stupid definitions were.
Oh and I think the fact that someone, a super junior fan, bless her, actually stuck thumbtacks on the notice board in their initials and that somehow made me happy cos I'm just weird like that.
And Ying makes me happy too because I think she's the only one that lets me insult them really horribly and still give me nice hugs after that.
And she makes me happy because she's my study partner. :)
And sitting at the back of the Woodlands MRT station with Ramly burger and you tiao made me happy too because it just brings back all the memories and its nice to remember them.
And listening to Big Bang's Baby Baby and Youngbae and Battle over and over again makes me happy too. I desperately wanna go see YB's concert on the 20th but yeah right I can fly to Korea and back again to go see it.
Tvants offer some form of live coverage or something.

I'm only starting to feel slightly nostalgic now.
For some strange reason.
I miss TK really.
probably because I just saw pictures of my former niners and I'm just struck by how much we've all changed.
I miss my niners and oh, Gerry and her stories and bitching with her and B and Abby during social studies and writing stupid stories that don't make sense and gushing and fighting over Torres and telling Renee she's crazy for loving Steven Tyler to death.
The only time I ever talked to her this year was during that time Mdm C treated us to Swensen's and she was there but we couldn't really talk much because after a while, you just run out of things to say.

And I'm missing UK again.
So badly. ergh.
I wanna stare out the bus window at all the fluffy sheep and the green pastures and the valleys and the hills.
I wanna run to BK's without a winter coat and proper shoes again.
I wanna walk down the streets of London and sing that song again.
I wanna go into old and random bookstores that are cramped with books and sit there and choose books all day.
I wanna go shopping at Marks and Spencer and spend 45 minutes deciding whether Tuna bread or Egg and Watercress sandwich sounds better.
I wanna ride the Tube again and get lost in the London Underground.
I wanna play with the frost on the grass and see a rainbow at Covent Garden one more time.
And of course, I wanna cook maggi mee on Sue's hotplate and boil potatoes and have a slumber party again.
I just want to go back there and relive everything again because I feel that I didn't pay as much attention as I should have.
Dilah, you are so going there with me one day because I wanna share that amazing shit with you and then we can tour Europe and take the train to Paris and Rome and gahhh.

I'm also probably feeling nostalgic because today's the 26th of June.
One year already.
I didn't even realise until I was writing the date down on the exam paper.
I'm not thinking about it or dwelling on it because I'm not going to put myself through that.

Other than that, things have been going pretty okay-ish.
I've been writing more and getting more ideas and all the comments I've gotten really makes me feel so ...... it's hard to explain the joys of writing.
And I feel so touched that all the people who read my fics don't even technically know me and we've never met but their approval and their comments means so much to me already.
And dilah love, thank you very much for making my day. (and to a large extent, my week too)
because you have no idea how much what you said means to me.
Like way more than you can imagine.

My sister just asked me for the link to read my fics too and I feel strangely touched and honoured at the same time because I think her poems are wonderful and her approval and comments means just as much to me too.

I guess the one thing I love most about writing is the fact that I know no matter what happens, no matter what people take away from me or no matter how hard they break me, they're never going to be able to take that away from me.
And that's one reason why I live.

I've talked too much already.
I haven't even started my SEA mindmaps and Ying will murder me if I don't at least get started and complete one or two.

I need to remind myself to enjoy this while it lasts because I know it'll never last.
Life isn't built that way and happiness is a fleeting thing.

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