Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Look only at me

It's almost 3.15 in the morning and I'm in a mood that is too chipper for such an insane time.
It's probably from all the Battle and Big Bang and Youngbae playing on repeat on my iTunes.
And it's making me really happy and in a good mood. :)
I've even transfered ringtones onto my phone so that BB's With U can be my message alert tone and YB's Gido is my alarm and his Look only at me is my ringtone. :)
Hahah. My sister said I'm certified crazy.
But I can't help it. I think YB is super hotstuffs. heh.
And his songs are so addictive! (so is Battle and BB.heh)
Even dilah is getting into it.
I got so super excited because she was asking for more and more YB and Big Bang MVs when I gave her the link to With U. :)
Thanks cinta! You made my day that night. (how totally paradoxical. -_-)
Oh and sue's got her HOT album and I'm freaking jealous and envious because I want it really badly but I'm so broke it's impossible.
Besides, yesasia needs a freaking credit card and I don't have one. sheesh.
Nevermind, I'll just get it when I start working and earn lots of money to splurge.

And because I've been totally addicted to their songs this past few days, I'll do a mini pic spam. :)

Battle!Lio, Hwichan, Taehwa!!, Ryu and Chris :)

Taehwa looks adorable. :)

And Big Bang!Daesung, YB, TOP, GD and Seungri. :)

And of course, there has to be Youngbae photos. hee.


It's almost 4.30 now and I'm off to bed before YB wakes me up at 7 plus.
Night world.
Sweet dreams.

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