Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I am so extremely exhausted mentally and physically.
I got home close to 11 because I was studying in school.
Me and Ying were working our asses off for the paper tomorrow.
I actually finished colour coding Tempest early but I helped Ying colour code her DOM and now my head is spinning with all sorts of freaking colour schemes and lines and random quotes.
We stayed until 9 plus because the uncle that normally closes the school didn't come to shoo us out and even though me and Ivan tried telling Ying that staying in school overnight is not so bad after all cos we'll get the whole canteen to ourselves, she decided to rush us off anyway cos we still needed to run to the photocopiers to zap copies of DOM mindmaps for me to read through for tomorrow.
I swear if I don't get at least a C I will either kill myself or quit school or do something equally drastic because I just dedicated 10 freaking hours colour coding and helping Ying mindmap language and Ferdinand and Cardinal.
Besides, I already know that my history is pretty much a gone case.
Suffice to say, the paper on monday was one of the worst papers I've ever sat for in my life, inclusive of all the maths papers.
There was no time.
And I already lost 25 marks because I only wrote 5 lines for an essay that is meant to be at least 2 and a half pages long.
Oh well, at least I'll have mindmaps all ready for A's. :)

Sidenote: My sister has Donghae as her msn display pic!!!
And Donghae's her favourite and she showed EHB to two other friends and now they like Hae too and I am not happy because now I have to share him! hrmph.
The only good thing about her obsession with EHB is the fact that she's slowly infecting her whole class with Super Junior germs. o.0

I'm going off, need to get my cup of coffee so I can stay up all night and indulge in literature.

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