Friday, June 20, 2008

The things we do

It's almost 1 in the morning.
My room's still a mess cos I was cleaning it and now there's stuff strewn all over the floor.
And I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since KFC with Shaf but there is absolutely nothing to eat.

I had a semi-fulfilling day.
Went to school for history consultation and Mr Mahmood was impressed with our mindmaps and he wants a copy. lol.
I spent the next 2 hours photocopying stuff for him and fiqa in the library before heading off home to nap.
I haven't done anything much after I woke up at 8 other than clean my room and write another fic in between the breaks.
I'm too tired and exhausted from all the late nights and lack of proper sleep to study right now.
My brain feels fried and I think my brain cells are dead or something.

Hmm, I have ideas for 10 other fics but I don't think I'll have time to write them all.
Maybe I can finish one or two more in between my study breaks tomorrow.
I'm just glad for once that I can control and rewrite something even though its purely fiction.

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