Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happiness is a state of mind

I've already decided that I'm going to screw the history paper on monday
I'm actually more concerned with mindmapping the rest of my notes and colourcoding my book.
Besides, I really don't think I can memorise everything in time by tomorrow night.
History just kills me. over and over again like some bad dream.
I have no idea why I even bothered to take anything other than lit(in malay or english)
Oh yeah. Because my mind cannot stand to take in anything logical and theoretical such as Econs.
I was struggling a little with all the shits I just don't get when we did the Global economy for history.

I'm not even showing any signs of panic or stress or anything of that sort.
I think the only thing betraying the fact that I'm in anyway affected by all this pressure is the fact that I haven't eaten anything proper or in the right amounts in 3 days and I don't feel hungry at all.
It's like whenever I do eat something, I'll get really nauseas and feel like throwing it all up into the toilet bowl.
And also the fact that I get tired and sleepy but when I get into bed and the lights are off, I don't sleep until its early morning and I have to get up in a few hours.
Other than that, I'm still happily spending my day reading fics and writing some bits and pieces and trying to study all the times in between.
I've already decided that I'm not sleeping today cos my Mum brought real Nescafe and it's so potent I love it and I can stay up much better. :)
So at 12, I'm swearing off the internet and the computer in general so as to better facilitate the colour coding of my Tempest book and then start mindmapping a bit of SEA before I meet Ying and then start trying to cram all the hideous facts of the Cold War and other such things into my head.

I'm currently using the laptop while slumped against a wall beside my sister's bed because she's back from JB and I miss her. Kind of.
She's watchign Gossip Girl and EHB!! while waiting for Gossip Girl to load.
She keeps laughing her head off and everytime I look over at her and see the screen showing some hilarious or ridiculous SJ scene, I laugh along cos it's so funny and it makes me happy.
Oh and she made me really insanely happy again when she came home this evening.
The first thing she did was to open my room door, and ask me if I've got any Super Junior or DBSK albums because her friend wants to listen to them.
:) :) :)
I remember staring at her for a full minute before gushing off in a string of probably incoherent questions.
She says she loves watching EHB but she'll never ever for as long as she lives, listen to any songs that she can't understand.
But her friend is starting to get into SJ and DBSK and :)
I've decided to help her along by giving her a list of videos to watch cos that girl has already watched the whole lot of EHB.
sial. That's fast. I took so much longer. >_<
I'm still not sure how to tell her exactly where to begin because 1 thing is Super Junior is already a huge group to begin with and they have loads of variety shows that are hilarious to watch.
And I want to instill Big Bang and Battle love in her too but I'm worried that it's a bit of an overkill.
But I think the girl can stomach it, cos she already has a couple of Super Junior songs in her phone (my sis told me) 0.o
Though I should probably warn her that Kpop and all its fandoms can probably kill her and steal away all her available time and make her slightly insane cos she'll be laughing in front of the computer and sometimes crying too.
I think at the rate she's going though I can force her into the SJ fic fandom cos she seems to be getting through videos pretty fast.

Whoa. That was a whole load of stuff on Kpop. Sorry readers. >_<
I just can't help it cos it makes me so happy.
I don't get why no one else except Sue gets it. Oh and maybe Dilah does to.
And my sister and her friend.
Oh, I already made my new year's resolution for next year.
I'm going to try get into the Jpop scene as well as immerse myself completely in fandoms.

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