Sunday, February 24, 2008

Because they can make me smile

I'm supposed to be asleep right now.
Got to wake up early again tomorrow for work at Bukit Batok CC. -_-
I'm kinda tired cos I had a really really long day just now.
Went for flag day with the babes but we slacked at jia's house most of the given time period.
Then we went off to AMK Hub cos vani needed to get a present.
Walked around until 3 plus where some of them had a late lunch.
Then me and loves decided to go study at the airport.
stayed in Bk until about 8?
Oh and I met Asy! :)
I'm missing the TK babes. catch up real soon k. after block test? :)
then I crashed dilah's house until 12.15. hahaha.

I'm in a good mood cos I read a teeny bit about the Super Show again.
Refrained myself from reading past 2 pages cos if not I'll never sleep.
OH MY GOD. I just read that they might be coming to Singapore.
As in here! accessible Singapore!
:) :) :)
That made my day. :)
I'm hoping it gets confirmed. please please. Cos I so badly want to go.
I've already seen ungu live and ungu rocked btw, so now I wanna see Super Junior love! and donghae of course!! :)
I told myself I won't spazz out in this post but erm, I think I just can't help it. heh.

That's Lee Donghae singing you don't miss your water. His english pronounciation is not too bad really. Just a little off here and there. And his voice is such love. <3

And this is too cute for me not to put up. :) he was singing santa clause is coming to town. As always, his voice is such love. <3>

just because they can make me smile.


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