Saturday, February 23, 2008

There's times when I miss you

I'm widely awake right now cos I took a short nap which ended way later.
Gotta leave early for a flag day tomorrow.
Probably going to study after that then rush home and check whether the 2nd Super Show can be heard live again today.
I installed Tvants for that purpose. -_-.
Hopefully they do a live streaming again. heh.

I read the SJ thread and people are all saying how great the concert was.
Sucks that I can't go watch them. :(
Apparently they performed lots of songs.
And kibum had a solo (I wanna hear!) and donghae sang 98 degrees's my everything.
And donghae and siwon and some other boys did sexy back!! whee.
If SM comes up with a concert dvd, I'm so getting it. hope they do. they must. :)

Am I peeved now?
Yeah. greatly.
thanks for killing my mood so fucking early in the morning.
Is it so hard?
apparently it is.
Thanks for making my day and then ruining it.

Nadia, I'll catch up with you soon k babe.
Miss you too.
Hope you're doing okay there. Been ages since I last saw you.
Sorry I wasn't all talking and catching up the last time.
I can't believe you're redoing your A's again.
You're crazy I think.
Study date with me soon k. :)

P.S: Boy, after you read this, call me up soon.
I need a proper sane person to talk to.

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