Thursday, February 14, 2008

My heart remembers you faster?

And here you are, once again, out of nowhere.
Why now, when there's no more traces of you in my mind?
When you are dead to me in name?
Yet, my heart will always be the one that betrays.
It's true then what they say.
As compared to my mind, my heart remembers you faster.
How can it be that you can just re-enter my life with such callous ease?
And even more so, how can it be that I still have the capacity to let you do so?
How can it be that my heart still skips that alternate beat, although now its laced with pain.
How can it be that I still hear this teeny voice telling me this time may be different from all the other times?
But then, how can it be different? when you're still telling me things that can so easily be swallowed up by the air again?
Believing you would be a foolish move on my part.
But not believing in you will kill my already castrated heart.

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