Sunday, February 24, 2008

I think I'll let you stay a while

So I had 'work' just now.
It's really more of a volunteer tingy, mentoring primary school kids.
Had to wake up real early and travel all the way to the other end of the island for it.
But it was worth it really.
Since today was the first session, it was a little messy but overall, I like it. :)
Took care of the pri 5 kids. Fiqa took the guys and I took the girls.
Taught them a bunch of random things since I have no idea what is their syllabus yet.
Gave out some tips and taught some alternative maths methods.
(yeah maths. thank god its pri sch maths. if not, I think I'm dead. haha)
Gotta go scout for worksheets and fun stuff for them to do next week.
Maybe after I'm done studying for tonight.

To you, thanks for teman-ing me for a while today.
Sorry you got caught in the rain on the way home.
Shouldn't have "crashed" your car anyway. -_-
I've been seeing you quite a bit recently.
I haven't decided if its a good thing or a bad thing yet.
We'll just see how it goes.

Oh, and I'm quite excited cos I have a feeling I'll make someone's day tomorrow.
[Edit: Ilham is classic. He was telling me working at the CC was good since we get an allowance and all that and he likes it etc etc. then he goes on to say the only disadvantage is that he's missing spongebob at 9.30 -_-]

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