Monday, September 24, 2007

Be careful what you wish for

I'm sitting here typing this, taking a break from looking through maths websites on my comp.
I don't generally make such an effort for maths but well, thought I'd better just get started.
At least go through the important formulae and concepts so I won't get a straight zero for the paper on friday.
Besides, I'm sick and tired of going through nationalism in SEAsian countries for history.
I just can't seem to get it all in my head.
And this is without all the Cold War bits added to the equation.
At the very least, I'm extremely elated and happy and proud of myself for having gone through The Guide entirely and colour-coded it.
Thus, I can just put it aside for a bit and review it a day before my papers. :)
Thank god paper 1 is first. If it's the imagining other worlds paper 4, I think I'd just die.

Well yes I do realise that this post is in direct contradiction to the post before.
When I wrote that last post, I wasn't saying that I'd give up entirely. I meant screw up 1 paper (likely to be History seeing as how I can't remember all the facts.)
Besides, I realise that my parents may not be able to afford a poly education so I gotta start looking into doing fairly well I guess.
I suppose I could always try talk to them about it but that's just gonna drain me and tire me out and turn out to be a never-ending saga(which I really really don't need right now)

Dilah and Bani are enjoying themselves at Geylang right about now.
I'm kinda sad I couldn't go.
Seriously, promos is stealing my life away.

Anyway, I said before that I'd be really relieved if you were the one who was swept away.
I forsee that this strange wish of mine is probably gonna come true.
Sure there's a part of me that's relieved but there's another whole part of me that's feeling this thing that's well I suppose a little loss.
I guess this is why they say be careful what you wish for.

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