Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I can't turn my heart into metal

I woke up for sahur with a punding headache and my eyes swollen until they're slits and I couldn't open them all that much properly.
So I missed school.
Obviously my parents weren't too happy but I pretended not to hear my mum nagging at me on her way out of the house.
Wanted to go for the history lecture in the afternoon but I overslept and missed it in the end.
Tried studying but I couldn't really concentrate so I decided to clean my room.
Threw everything off my table and the bookcase onto the floor and sorted through everything and re-organised stuff.
Then I tackled my wardrobe, threw away a bag of clothes and re-organised it.
It's not that I was really bored or something, it was just so I had something to do with my hands.

I've kinda lost the drive for studying these past few days.
Maybe I need to numb myself more but thing is,
I can't possibly turn my heart into metal and function like a robot, doing everything mechanically.
Sure I can numb myself, I'm strong enough to do that but life right now, is asking me to turn my heart into steel.
And that's something that I haven't mastered the technique to.
Hey, maybe that's why I feel so .........
Then again, it could just be my coming period, bringing with it the woes of pms.

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