Friday, September 07, 2007

Like diamond glass explosions

I'd like to believe that this is a story I'm telling. If it's a story I'm telling, then I have control over the ending.

I re-read my last post and I'm a little ashamed of myself for letting my feelings show.
Something I never really do.
I mean the feelings that really matter of course.
If I'm feeling pissed, you'll see that I'm pissed.
But if it something I feel in other words hurt or pain or something, I never let it show.
Only those who know me well will see past all the walls that is and read me as though I'm transparent.
I've learned that these are the people that matter.

I went to the John Little expo sale with my mum and sis just now.
well mostly we bought lingerie.
and I bought a top and 3 for $15 maybelline lipgloss. :)
wanted to get more stuffs but was on a budget.
My sister is the only one in the family that apparently has a sense of budget(does that sound right?) and she practically dragged me and my mum away from all the stuff and so we sat in a corner to calculate the price of all the stuff (no shit).
It came up to 123.20 so we went to pay and somehow the cashier told us it amounted to 191.90.
like whaaaaaaaaat.
So my mum voided the whole thing and we recounted 4 freaking times and still arrived at the same results as before.
apparently the freaking cashier was trying to cheat us of a lot of money by overcharging us.
sial ah. lucky we checked before hand.
If not we'd have paid so much more.

There's also the Times book sale ongoing at the expo which I'm dying to go to.
I hope my dad manages to get extra money on his rounds today then I can expand my book collection. :)

I guess the gist of it is sometimes a little retail therapy does wonders.

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