Friday, September 28, 2007

For one more day

I managed to grab hold of a copy of Mitch Albom's For One More Day at the school library.
Couldn't resist not borrowing it so I did with 3 minutes left to the counter closing.

People walk in and out of your life.
That's a fact you can't change.
Out of all the people that's walked into my life -blessing me with their prescence and leaving me with eternal memories- only to walk out again, there's a select few that I wish I had just one more day with.
One chance to make up for taking them for granted, for kidding myself into believing that moments spent with them would stretch until eternity.
One chance to make up for the time when I thought they were going to be there foreve.

Firstly, I've got to mention you,shasha.
You stayed in my life for only a short period of time yet you left an impact, helping me to get back on my feet.
The thing I remember most about you is how you were always ready to come to my aid, to stand up for me and for what I believed in.
You were like my sister from another mother and you took care of me when I couldn't do it on my own.
The memories I have of you aren't much as it is but what I remember most is sitting next to you in Abg Wan's car, your shoulder bumping into mine, not talking yet exchanging so much.
Ironically, we drifted away cos the only person thing that tied us together turned out to be taking advantage of us.
I guess after that it was just hard to get it back I suppose.
I'd love to have one more day like one of those days.
Just to remember what it felt like.

And of course if I've got to mention you. (I won't name you cos I know if you read this, you'll know who you are)
With you I kinda don't know where to start.
I guess it's just enough for me to say that I'd take 1 more day with you anytime.
One more day just like the old times.

And lastly, there's you.
I'm not foolish or stupid enough to believe that I'll ever get it back with you cos I know it's all said and gone.
Still, I'd give anything right now just for one more day or even hour with you.
So I can treasure every single second of it and keep it locked away in the deep recesses of my heart along with your name and your memories.

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