Thursday, September 13, 2007

This isn't how I thought it would be

I'm this close to just bawling my eyes out right now.
In fact I can feel tears pooling in my eyes.
My head is throbbing and I'm supressing the urge to just have a complete breakdown.

Why does everything happen on thursdays anyway?
First was the whole ain's leaving episode.
Then today my PW group was told(by the PW HOD nontheless) that we've been on the wrong track.
Which means that we have to re-do our ENTIRE written report from scratch, "improvise" our pilot test findings and basically crap our way through.
Needless to say, this is a huge blow to my group cos all this while our ST has been giving us good comments and the Meeting Expectations grade and we based everything that we've done so far on what she told us.
But when the HOD checked through our WR, she said it's only a mediocre Approaching Expectations grade.
And the best thing is, the third draft is due next Monday.
So we apparently have to blindly trust again and rewrite 3000 words.
As much as I would really like to be optimistic, I'd rather be realistic.
Cos you see, here are the due dates for 3 important PW documents:
1) 15 sept : EoM final draft (which still need loads of editing)
2) 17 sept : WR draft 3 (which is the whole rewrite of the WR and on top of that we have to go and see said HOD to clarify exactly what went wrong.)
3) 19 sept : 1st draft of I&R.
and not forgetting we have to balance studying for the mid-course and also do the 16 full length essay sastera questions that was given to us.

And of course all of this is entirely feasible given the spare time we have.

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