Saturday, September 08, 2007

Just like the old times

Time is an abstract thing I'll never understand.
It passes by too fast, leaving me to just grasp onto the important moments before they slip through my fingers.
When I want it to pass by faster, it trickles like antibiotics through an IV line, slowly, drop by drop.
When I don't notice it, it flashes past me in a whirl of colour and sound and emotions and just passes so damn fast.
I look back and I'm just thinking, where the hell did all the time go??

It seems like just yesterday me and you were studying at the airport, freezing our butts off at the viewing mall.
It seems like just yesterday we all went to Gashaus because Char wanted to see her scandalous drummer boy play.
It seems like just yesterday you and me sat our asses down on the vinyl seats at KFC and talked until my throat went sore.
It seems like just yesterday we all walked to pasir ris park and you sat with me on the bench, just talking and u were reading that magazine you bought just cos it came with a skipping rope that had a digital counter so you didn't have to count when you skipped.
It seems like just yesterday you and me entered N1-5 and surveyed our class, skimming over the new faces and trying to remember foreign names.
It seems like just yesterday we all braved the downpour at Pulau Ubin together, shivering in the cold, because it's one for all and all for one and we believe that if one of us falls, we'll all fall down together.
It seems like just yesterday we watched a play under the starry skies.
It seems like just yesterday we were mesmerised by the fireworks in the sky, like diamond glass explosions.
It seems like just yesterday when I skipped school early in the morning and turned up at your doorstep because I literally had nowhere else to go.

It all seems like just yesterday.

Okay I have no idea where all that came from.
I guess scenes from all these moments were just flashing through my mind as I typed so there you go.

Bani came over for a while and it was really nice talking to her and all.
Just like all the times after O's when we (that is me, bani and dilah) were free and had too much time on our hands.
I gotta admit that yeah I do miss her a lot and that I wished we had more time to hang out just now.
It felt a little sad when she had to leave early to go home and get dressed for her date with izwanshah.
So bani, like if you're reading this, I do miss you and I love love you okay?? :)

On a side note, Bani was telling us about online shopping which she has just gotten into lately.
So after dilah left, I thought I'd check it out cos well it is a little bit cheaper than buying retail.
I found a website that links me to tons of online shops and sprees and such so I skimmed through a little and bookmarked my favourites so that I can buy something after I've saved up.
I've calculated that I can at least secure myself 80 bucks each month to spend so that's good. :)
Was thinking of somehow getting my mum to agree to let me get an ATM card so I can do the whole transactions thing when I pay for the online stuff.
But then I realise that's not really necessary cos there are some sprees and shops that accept cash payment when you personally collect the items.
Which is really really good news for people like me. :)

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