Sunday, September 16, 2007

There's so much more

This is gonna be a random post cos I don't really have anything specific to blog about.
Technically I'm not supposed to blog considering that I declared a self-hiatus from blogging but as we all know, I never keep to self-declarations of that kind.
Besides, blogging clears my head somewhat in a sense that it helps me to-you know how the cliche goes- express myself, and not bottle it up in like how I'm naturally inclined to do more than 3/4 of the time and then reach thebreaking point and explode.
Something which I very nearly did last thursday which I don't think anyone else other than select few realise at that time.

Anyway, I'm gonna buka at my grandma's house tomorrow and oh boy the food's gonna be damn goood.
Cik Sam's gonna make Roti Kirai. (one of my personal favourites!)
Mak Nga's gonna make the curry and the what nots.
Mum's gonna make pizza (the last time I had pizza was I think like 2 months ago? with crazy friends and a mad scientist)
And Mak Su's gonna fry chicken wings and drumlets that resemble but don't quite reach the standard of KFC. (not that I really enjoy wings and drumlets anyway.)
I'm so gonna gain weight I tell you. -_-

Since I'm so bored, I'm gonna do this survey I got off friendster. -_-

Name 11 people you can think of rightoff the top of your head.

(in no ranking order whatsoever)
1. Muhammad Baihaqi Ilham
2. Fadhilah Adlina
3. Albaniah Zakila
4. Nor Shafiqah
5. NurLiyana
6. Nazurah
7.Siti Nadiah
8. Nur Khairin Aisyah
9.Afiqah Alias
10. Namira
11. Muhammad Farhan

HOW DID YOU MEET #4? Back in TKG, Sec 1.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITHOUT # 6? No more trying to think of ways to stay up to study..
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF #2 AND # 6 WERE GOING OUT? dilah's number 2 and naz is 6th. Well, if they did ever go out as lesbians, I'd laugh then try not to freak. haha.
HOW OLD IS #8 ? 17 already.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF #5 CONFESSED THEY LOVE YOU ? I already knows she does:) and I love her loads too! heh.
WHOS #10'S BEST FRIEND? I'm not sure really. All I know is that she's really spastic. -_-
HAVE YOU EVER EATEN AROUND #1? duh. on dates or just pizza while watching a movie at his house.
DO YOU MISS #1? haha. can I not answer this? well, a little I guess.
WHO IS #11 DATING? He's still single and available. ;p
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF #3? She's crazy and loud and can be exasperating but I love her loads. and oh ya, she's strictly izwanshah's.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF #9? She's a good friend to have although she can give you a run for your money with her sarcasm. o.0
WHAT WOULD U DO IF #4 AND #7 WERE DATING? Nad and Shaf??? HAHA. kk. seriously?!?
WOULD YOU MARRY #7? what the hell?? Nope. She's my friend. But I know someone who will :)
DO YOU LOVE #10? Yup. :)
EVER SLEPT IN THE SAME ROOM AS ANY OF THE NUMBERS? number 2 sleeps over sometimes and well technically everyone except 11. haha.

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