Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Just that once

I'm waiting for nad to come online so we can do PW.
which is a pain in the ass. PW that is.
I just can't wait until its over at the end of the year.
Speaking of which, its already September.
That is freaking fast.
Where the hell did all the time go??

promos is in 3 weeks.
someone just kill me now.
I just know that the VP isn't going to make any changes whatsoever to the exam schedule so that the 6 of us (out of the whole school cohort that is) taking MT lit, EL lit and History as a our H2 subjects will have to take them all in one day.
Since we're expected to write essay after essay for each paper, I can roughly estimate a total of 10 pages per paper which equals to 30 pages in total.
no shit.
and of course since each paper is a 3 hour paper, that will mean we will have to sit on our asses for 9 bloody hours.
Like seriously, that's really really logically doable.
like real.
I am not going to take 3 h2 subjects in one day.
that is just totally crazy and noone in their right minds will be able to perform well after 9 grueling hours of papers.
The VP is totally out of her mind if she thinks she's gonna make us do this.

There are some that can fall in love over and over again.
And there are some that can only seem to do it once.
I don't think I can do it over and over again.
cos it only seems like I can ever do it once.

aku kasihkan H. aku sygkan N. but he, he's a different story.

1 comment:

monyetz said...

Hey there. Stress ker? Been long since i chat with u. hope ya fine. dun stress too much hor.