Sunday, September 16, 2007

Like whaaat -_-

So I just got back from grandma's house.
Actually I got back about 10 but I was fiddling with the HTML colour code of the tagboard.
So yeah tagboard's up. I'm not that happy with it yet but I'm too malas to change anymore.

Buka was so meriah just now.
We filled 3 full tables; the dining table, the kitchen table and the coffee table.
And naturally I ate a lot.
Roti Kirai and pizza and couple of drumstick and ice cream cake and Ben and Jerry's.
Thank god starting from tomorrow onwards for 5 days I won't be eating much. :)
Note to self: Try not to buka there often.

Somehow, everytime we gather, and mind you my maternal side of the family is pretty large,
something funny or other happens.
Today the highlight was this:

Mak Su: [upon finding a tub of jelly like pearl shape things on the kitchen counter] Eh ni aper? Bubble tea nyer pearls eh?
Syafiq: Entah. Agaknyer ah.
Mak Su: abeh asal colour dier transparent? [takes one and pops it in her mouth] Eh! tawar ah bende ni. Tkpe, later you all put inside your drinks ah, eat with the cocktail.

10 minutes later, after Syafiq has eaten a whole bunch of them,
Mak Su: [asking the whole living room] Eh saper bawak ah bubble tea nyer pearl tu? Kau eh som?
My Mum: Tak la! asal boleh jer. Maner ader.
Mak Su: Mohsin kau bawak eh?
My Cousin: Huh? Pearl aper?
Mak Su: Abeh saper bawak?
Suddenly my uncle starts.
Uncle: Eh Yati! Bende yang pat dalam tupperware kecik tu eh??
Mak Su: Ah. Abg Sam bawak eh?
Uncle: Eh! tu kn kak Nor kasi. Tu perhiasaan untuk letak dalam pasu bunga!!!
Mak Su: HAH?!?

I laughed my ass off.
Slenge sak my auntie.
Apparently it runs in the blood.
Cos I remember the other time my other aunt tried to drink through a Mc Flurry spoon cos she thought it was a straw. -_-

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